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A Population Based Perspective of Children and Youth with Brain Tumours in Ontario, Canada: Who Are They and Where Do They Go?

Vincy Chan

0 Collaborator(s)

Funding source

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Brain tumours are the leading cause of cancer death in children and youth. Currently, there is little detailed population based information on this group of individuals and even fewer on those that have non-cancerous brain tumours. However, it is important to recognize that non-cancerous brain tumours can still cause serious health problems and negative long term effects that may be improved through rehabilitation. Using health care data from Ontario's publicly funded health care system, this study will identify the number and characteristics of children and youth aged 19 years and younger with cancerous and non-cancerous brain tumours and determine where they are discharged to after emergency department visits and acute care admissions. Patients with cancerous and non-cancerous brain tumours will be compared and geographic variation within Ontario also be examined. Surveillance of brain tumours is important for the planning, evaluating, and transforming health care systems to better address the needs of this population and align resources with needs. The candidate will build upon an already established working relationship with knowledge users throughout the project to ensure the data are utilized in planning of health services.

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