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Formation Francophone Pour Iniateurs d'une Service Des Soins Palliatifs

James Bennett

1 Collaborator(s)

Funding source

Union for International Cancer Control
The objective of the course is to enable health professionals from francophone African countries where palliative care is not established to initiatiate a service in those countries. At the end of the course participants will understand that the rudiments an affordable palliative care culturally appropriate to their country. They will be enabled to advocate for affordable palliative care to their fellow professionals, to donors and governments. Le cours est composé de : -Introduction aux concepts des soins palliatifs. -Évaluation & Gestion des douleurs et des symptômes. -Pratique des gestes cliniques. -Formation des formateurs. Convient pour -Médecins. -Infirmiers(ères) / sages-femmes -Aide soignant(e)s -Les pharmaciens et les agents de santé.

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