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Gastric Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy

Cassian Yee

2 Collaborator(s)

Funding source

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Gastric Cancer is the second most lethal form of cancer worldwide. It is the leading cause of cancer death in Korea and third most common cause of cancer death in China. Patients with invasive gastric cancer experience a 5 year survival rate that is < 10% even with multimodality therapy representing a clear unmet need for improved treatment. Adoptive cellular therapy is a form of immunotherapy that involves the ex vivo isolation and expansion of antigen-specific T cells for adoptive transfer and has been shown to eradicate refractory disease with the potential for longterm immunoprotection. As a pre-amble to the development of adoptive cellular therapy for gastric cancer, we propose to evaluate the potential immunogenicity of gastric cancer. In collaboration with investigators are Yonsei University in Korea and Sun Yat- Sen University in China, we propose to develop an immunoscore for gastric cancer based on IHC staining of immune subsets by correlating these parameters with clinical outcomes data that have been collected for each patient and tumor sample.