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International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium (InterLymph)

Nathaniel Rothman

8 Collaborator(s)

Funding source

National Cancer Institute (NIH)
Intramural and extramural investigators have joined forces in a coordinated series of ongoing case-control studies focused on non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). The NHL collaboration, known as InterLymph, represents a new generation of large-scale molecular epidemiological studies that have been initiated in North America, Europe, and Australia to identify reasons for the increasing incidence of this malignancy around the world. Collaborative pooled studies for the risk of NHL in association with obesity, hair dye use, personal sun exposure, family, medical, and reproductive history have been published. Intramural investigators also lead a genome-wide association study of specific NHL subtypes in collaboration with extramural investigators from InterLymph as well as a number of prospective cohort and clinic-based studies. Because the consortium involves essentially all major on-going epidemiological studies of NHL, it represents a model studying less common malignancies and their subtypes, as defined by histologic and genetic criteria. In June 2013, Dr. Marc Maynadié, a leading hematopathologist at the Université de Bourgogne, hosted the 12th InterLymph Annual Meeting and an associated symposium regarding lymphoma etiology and prognosis at the Faculté de Médecine in Dijon, France. Dr. Maynadié is also one of the leaders of the ENGELA case-control study of NHL, which was conducted in six regions in France and contributes data to InterLymph collaborative studies. More information about InterLymph may be found on the website,

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