The overall objective of the program is to train clinicians from surgical oncology and surgical subspecialties todevelop skills and expertise in basic science and translational research. The surgery disciplines at RoswellPark Cancer Institute (RPCI) have approved clinical training programs in general surgical oncology, gynecology, head and neck, neuro-oncology, thoracic and urology. All of the programs have trained a numberof fellows that are currently in academic positions. The proposed laboratory research program will enhancethese efforts and provide the training necessary for these fellows to develop their research expertise skillscentral to academic development in surgical oncology as well as the subspecialties as mentioned above.Surgical Oncology trainees selected from the applicant pool will receive their clinical training during a 12 monthperiod and have 24 months devoted to their research training. The Gynecology Program is a four yearprogram requiring 24 months of full time laboratory research and 24 months of clinical training which is arequirement to become Board Certified in Gynecological Oncology. All trainees will choose from one of fiveareas of scientific study: 1) cancer genetics; 2) cancer prevention and population sciences; 3) cell stressbiology; 4) pharmacology and therapeutics and 5) tumor immunology. During the two-years of laboratoryresearch, trainees will work under the mentorship of selected faculty from one of these areas. Preceptors froma variety of disciplines have been selected based on extensive experience in training young investigators. AnAdvisory Committee at Roswell Park as well as an External Advisory Board will monitor the trainee's progressas well as the preceptor's activities and the overall program direction including assessment of minorityrecruitment. Trainees will be required to attend a lecture series; Core Oncology I and II which includestranslational science topics, ethical principles of research, epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy andprofessional development. The goal of this training grant is to provide education, laboratory research trainingand expertise toward the development of strong basic and translational scientific research skills that will enabletrainees to assume productive academic positions in these respective surgical oncology and surgicalsubspecialties.