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To Train Moroccan Master Trainers in Screening and Treating Cervical Cancer

Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan

1 Collaborator(s)

Funding source

Union for International Cancer Control
Morocco recently launched a National Plan for Cancer Prevention and Control. Priority is being given to screening for cervical and breast cancers. As cytology screening for cervical cancer is not feasible throughout the country they have chosen to screen by visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA). The introduction of the nationwide scale cervical cancer screening program can be made on medium-term. With this aim in mind Lalla Salma Association against Cancer (ALSC) approached the Screening Group (SCR) at the International Agency for Research on Cancer to train 15 Moroccan master trainers in VIA and treatment of precancerous lesions by cold coagulation and loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). SCR has a large cervical cancer prevention program in rural India and proposes to run the training course there where they will be ensured of seeing women with various different cervical lesions for a successful hands-on training course.

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