NCI is collaborating with the Beijing Institute for Cancer Research on the follow-up of individuals who participated in a double-blind, multi-intervention, randomized trial of 3,411 subjects in Linqu, Shandong Province. The trial, which began in September 1995, tested whether any of the three interventions assigned (treatment of Helicobacter pylori; daily supplementation with a combination of alpha-tocopherol, vitamin C, and selenium; or daily supplementation with garlic extracts), could affect the progression of precancerous gastric lesions. A post-intervention follow-up through 2010 on the long-term effects of the previous treatments on gastric cancer incidence and on cause-specific death rates is complete for the approximately 3,200 remaining trial participants. The follow-up also included annual endoscopies for the approximately 360 trial participants with advanced gastric lesions diagnosed through 2003. A recent publication demonstrated that short-term antibiotic treatment for Helicobacter pylori significantly reduced the incidence of gastric cancer.